Welcome to Sagely Clinic
We transform lives by providing quality and tailored health + care, drawing upon integrated nutritional medicine and health + wellness practices.
The wise approach to
Health isn’t just about nutrition, but nutrition does play a vital role. Health isn’t stagnant, but a continuum marking the length of time you experience health and not just of being alive. This is your healthspan. Keeping healthy therefore is the conscious daily choosing to turn your mind, body and spirit to face the side of the healthspan continuum that journeys you toward years of thriving and not just surviving. And yes, nutrition is part of that journey.
The wise approach to
Wellness is active and dynamic. It is the positive pursuit and process of making health-minded decisions that ultimately lead to a fulfilling and joyful life. Regardless of your current health status or environment, choosing wise lifestyle practices and behaviours can prevent such stressors wearing us down.
The wise approach for
Physical Fitness encompasses having or acquiring qualities or skills to enable the fulfillment of a particular task or role. It’s therefore more than just heading out for a run. Cardiovascular fitness is important; and so is muscular strength and endurance, body composition and joint mobility and flexibility. We’ll help you find a way to fit fitness into your life.
Mindfulness is simply paying attention on purpose. It is the quality of being present and fully engaged in the present moment. Free from distraction, judgment, and aware of thoughts and feelings without being overwhelmed by them.
A cornerstone of abundant health. Sound nutritional practices encourage positive changes in nutritional self-care. Proactively prevent dis-ease, correct deficiencies and promote healthy functioning of each body system through sustainable nutrition.
Replenish your body and soul with our natural artisan salts and flakes. Bathe, soak and scrub with Sagely Salts. Your body will thank you and reap the benefits of relaxation, muscle recovery, replenishing minerals and calming the skin.
Coming soon
Whether growing a family or just growing up. Growth and development go hand in hand and you can transform your child’s health through optimising your child’s nutrition.