This blog post was originally written by Kathryn Khiroya for Endeavour College of Natural Health
The area of contact between alveoli (the tiny air sacs in the lungs) and blood vessels in adult humans is between 50 to 100 square metres, enabling immense exposure to atmospheric air. Our skin on the other hand? Approximately two square metres.
We’ve moved beyond just thinking about cleansed skin to having great regard for its nourishment. In the current environment where the thorough washing of our skin, specifically our hands, is imperative to preventing the transmission of SARS-CoV-2, we are very conscious of not just hand washing but the technique of hand washing.
What does this have to do with your nose? Just like contact with pathogenic bacteria and virus via our skin can make us sick, could our breathing technique also make us sick?
A German physician, Dr Buteyko, undertook a practical assignment during his medical training in the late 1940s involving the monitoring of breathing volume of patients. He documented a stark relationship: the sicker patients became, the heavier they breathed.
Many humans sleep, walk, rest and work with their mouth open; their nose appears to be nothing more ornamental. So, what purpose does the nose have? In essence, our nose is the key to functional breathing.
“It has been estimated that three-quarters of the bacteria entering the nose are deposited on the mucus blanket and are thus eliminated. In fact, the mucus has its own antibacterial action.”
(Ballentine 1979; Holmes 1950 cited in The Hyperventilation Syndrome by Robert Fried).
What does functional breathing look like compared to dysfunctional breathing?
Mouth closed
Nasal breathing
Silent, quiet
Regular cadence
Calm and calming
Controlled with ability to keep under control
A natural pause between inhalation and exhalation
Adequately deep to naturally expand lowest ribs
Unnoticeable or minimal movement
Mouth open
Mouth breathing
Regular sighing
Regular sniffing
Irregular, erratic, fast
Holding of breath (apnoea)
Taking large breaths prior to talking
Yawning with big breaths
Upper chest movement
Obvious visible movement
Heavy – day and night
What effect does functional breathing have compared to DYSfunctional breathing?
Warming, moistening of airways
Regulates air volume
Dilates airways
Vasodilating (increased nitric oxide)
Greater gas exchange in lungs
Increased oxygen uptake
Parasympathetic nervous system dominant
Supports healthy saliva production
Improved symptoms related to fatigue, asthma, and chronic illnesses
Overall improvement in vitality – better sleep, better energy, better focus, resilience
Cooling, drying of airway
42% more moisture expelled via droplets through the mouth
Nasal stuffiness
Tends towards over breathing and
Constricts/narrows airways
Suffocation sensation
Reduces oxygen delivery at the cell
Sympathetic nervous system dominant
Chronic hyperventilation - breathing volume is excessive during sleep, rest and physical exercise.
Excess use of energy contributing to fatigue
Contributes to a blocked nose, snoring, insomnia, fatigue, coughing, wheezing, breathlessness, exercise-induced asthma
Am I a mouth breather? How can I tell?
Dry mouth on waking
Bad breath
Susceptible to skin conditions i.e. Acne rosacea, psoriasis, eczema
Children susceptible to crooked teeth, crowding, bed wetting, sleep disturbances and disorders
Higher risk of gum disease and tooth decay
In adults - grinders, sleep apnoea, snorers, stress, chronic fatigue
Why do I breathe through my mouth?
Air hunger is the most common driver of mouth breathing. It is the feeling of suffocation, be this mild or severe, when breathing through the nose. You just don’t feel like you can get an adequate amount of breath.
This may be due to a few factors:
A small nose
Deviated septum
Allergic rhinitis
Hay fever
‘Stuffy nose’
Why do we over breathe?
Sedentary lifestyle
Diet comprising processed foods and overeating
Jobs/tasks involved in speaking a lot
Mixed messages regarding breathing techniques
Symptoms related to asthma and other chronic respiratory conditions
High set temperatures within the home and indoor environments
Genetic predisposition/familial habits
How do I start to nasal breathe?
The first step is to become more mindful of your current breathing habits. In time with your breath, use your index finger to draw your inhale and exhale, like a continuous wave of the ocean. Now imagine that the wave of the ocean is reducing in size and pace as you reduce the size and pace of your breath. Close your lips and continue to draw the breath, making it slower and quieter and deeper. Notice your breath’s flow and cadence, and the calm it brings. Try this upon waking, retiring or when you sense your emotions shifting your breath back towards dysfunctional traits.
Nasal breathing is a calmer breathing pattern, yet you may find it intense to begin with. With practice, it will improve and you’ll soon wonder how you ever coped with mouth breathing.